

                          A decrease in physical activity as people transition to parenthood, particularly for mothers, is well-documented. Parents face numerous barriers to physical activity (e.g., lack of time, guilt, lack of energy, etc.) but none are more physically demanding than childcare. Gyms that offer kids clubs amongst other services have critical roles to play in their communities. 
Over 70% of mothers work outside of the home. A combination of work, household and childcare responsibilities leaves little time for personal leisure activities. 
Interestingly, participation levels in physical activity have not changed substantially since 2013. But the amount of those who never exercise has sadly increased, and this is a continuation of a gradual trend since 2009. Herein lies the opportunity for fitness centres. They can diversify and provide a service which is beneficial for both the customer and the business, childcare services that can double as babysitting services when the parents workout or attend fitness classes.
For fitness operators to succeed, removing barriers which can discourage members from exercising is key to staying competitive and afloat.


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